Smarter choices
you can count on

We rely on innovative scientific research to identify and amplify the many benefits of naturally based ingredients and use those discoveries to create second to none products.
In nearly every case, we find natural ingredients to be the best, most effective, and healthiest option. Of course, “natural” does not always mean safe or effective. In some cases, man-made compounds have been proven to be more effective or safer than raw, volatile natural sources. In our opinion, only natural ingredients sufficiently proven and documented as safe and effective should be used.
Each year, we spend millions of dollars on research to determine the best sources, the safest and most effective forms, and the optimal extraction processes to create or isolate natural extracts, essential oils, minerals, enzymes, and other natural compounds to optimise health and sustain the environment. Each year, we discover new secrets that nature is willing to share with us.
We are careful to use only safe, proven, and trusted ingredients – nothing harsh or dangerous when used as directed. Science allows us to put nature to work.
A safer and effective solution – citric Acid. If you want to eliminate the appearance of hard water spots and soap scum – and do it cheaply – chlorine bleach is an easy choice. It works exceptionally well and is readily available but extremely dangerous. We never use chlorine bleach. So, if you want a safer and effective solution – then citric acid is the smarter choice. It is naturally found in citrus fruits like lemons. It’s biodegradable, gentle on the environment, safer, and works amazing.
Not all plant-derived ingredients are free from harmful effects. Not all plant-derived ingredients are free from having harmful effects on the environment. Palm oil, unless from a sustainable source, can have significant harm to important habitat due to widespread deforestation. In these cases, an organic compound (an ingredient from the ground rather than plants) may be the more responsible, smarter choice. When we do choose to use palm oil it is only from a certified renewable, environmentally sustainable source.
Minimising the amount of an ingredient used. As of today, there are no effective plant-derived preservatives to keep products fresh, safe, and free of contaminants. If one were available, we would use it. So, we tirelessly seek out the safest, most effective solutions that exist. We select preservatives that allows us to use the tiniest amount possible. Sometimes minimising the amount of ingredients is the smarter choice. The alternative would be using preservatives known to cause health issues such as formaldehyde.
Safely and effectively formulating our super-concentrated products. Our biodegradable surfactant, or cleaning agent, is extremely efficient at removing stains and oils from clothes. It has a proven track record of safety and because it is highly biodegradable, and it doesn't have a negative impact on the environment. It allows us to safely and effectively formulate our super-concentrated products which saves plastic, fuel, and greenhouse gasses.
Smarter ingredient choices lead to safer products that work. But finding the best naturally derived and plant-derived ingredients isn’t easy. It requires an advanced knowledge of where to find better ingredients and how they work in advanced product formulations. We have been pioneers in this area for almost four decades.
THE SCIENCE OF PLANT-DERIVED INGREDIENTS We use pure essential oils, phosphate-free detergents, and patented super-concentrated technologies in our products. Our team of in-house Ph.D.s, world-class research and development scientists, and formulators have built a wide array of patents and scientific expertise that few companies can match.
MELALEUCA WAS GREEN DECADES BEFORE IT BECAME FASHIONABLE Melalecua was formulating with environmental sustainability in mind decades before it became fashionable on large scale. We’re glad that the rest of the world is waking up to this need. But there is knowledge, expertise, and skill that only comes with experience. When it comes to creating cutting-edge formulas, it takes a high level of hard-won skill and know-how. For nearly four decades, we've led the way in our industry in caring for the environment.
WHY DOES EXPERIENCE MATTER? Some of the so-called eco-friendly companies online today are in their infancy. Others have spent decades polluting the environment and have only recently “converted” to the concept of becoming environmentally responsible. Some who find themselves well behind in being providing health conscience products, purchase environmentally responsible subsidiaries in an effort to keep up. (A recent example is Clorox’s purchase of Burt’s Bees. We can’t imagine a more unlikely merger of philosophies!)
SMARTER CHOICES To us, that means always prioritising safety while finding the optimal mix of helping the environment, creating an effective product, and ensuring it's affordable for the average family.
We never use ingredients on this “NO” list. We believe in the precautionary path, which means if there isn’t clear proof that an ingredient is safe – we don’t use it. Safety first.
Chlorine Bleach Harmful or fatal if swallowed, can permanently damage skin, attacks membranes in your respiratory system, and doesn't get rid of dirt – it turns it white.
Ammonia Irritating and corrosive. Exposure can cause immediate burning of the nose, throat, and respiratory tract.
Abrasives Contain hard particles that can damage your sink and shower and scuff their surfaces giving dangerous bacteria a safe place to grow, breed, and multiply.
Phosphates Too much in our waterways leads to excessive algae growth, often resulting in the death of fish and water plant life.
Phthalates In the past few years, researches have linked phthalates to contributing to several diseases.
Triclosan Exposure to triclosan contributes to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics
Formaldehyde Can cause an allergic reaction in the skin, watery eyes, burning sensation of the eyes, nose, and throat, coughing, wheezing, and nausea.
Quaternary Disinfectants Poisonous if ingested. They aren't as effective on viruses and their effectiveness can be reduced by common circumstances like hard water.
Citric Acid Naturally found in citrus fruits. Effective alternative to harsh chemicals that dissolves hard water, soap scum, and mineral deposits. Included in Tub & Tile Bathroom Cleaner and Mighty Brite Toilet Bowl Cleaner..
Thyme Oil Natural oil from the herb thyme. Proven to kill viruses and bacteria by making them spill their guts. Included in Sol-U-Guard® Botanical Disinfectant and Sol-U-Guard Botanical Cleaner and Mighty Brite Toilet Bowl Cleaner..
Melaleuca Oil Natural oil from the melaleuca alternafolia plant in Australia. Boosts cleaning performance and penetrates tough stains. Included in Sol-U-Mel® Stain Remover and Sol-U-Mel Stain Remover and Tough & Tender All-Purpose Cleaner.
Glycolic Acid Naturally found in sugar beets. A safer alternative to use on common fixtures that dissolves hard water, soap scum, and mineral deposits. Included in Tub & Tile™ Bathroom Cleaner and Tub & Tile Bathroom Cleaner.
Sodium Citrate Sodium salt is derived from citric acid and occurs naturally in plants and animals. Natural, effective alternative to synthetic stabilisers. Included in MelaPower and Lemon Brite.
Essential Oils We use a variety of naturally sourced oils. To increase efficacy and to provide an enjoyable scent experience. Included in all cleaners.
Naturally Occurring Found naturally in the environment and delivered in its natural state.
FOR EXAMPLE: Water is found naturally in the environment. When we use water in a formula, we filter it and purify it to make sure there are no foreign substances or contaminants in the water we use.
Naturally Derived Sourced from natural state and carefully formulated for efficacy, consistency, safety, and to ensure the highest quality.
FOR EXAMPLE: Melaleuca Oil does not occur naturally by itself as an oil in nature. But it occurs naturally within the Melaleuca alternifolia leaf. We use steam distillation to extract the oil from the leaf. We then use the oil in various formulations.
Mineral A compound that is found naturally in the earth and is extracted from the earth in its natural state with no additional formulation or optimisation.
FOR EXAMPLE: Sodium chloride (salt) is extracted in its natural state and not modified.
Organic Compound Compounds that do not exist naturally or in nature but have been formulated or manufactured from ingredients that do exist in nature. Organic compounds usually contain ingredients or elements that originated from plants or living organisms. Our organic compounds have been formulated for a specific function, such as improved safety, greater efficacy, or decreased usage.
FOR EXAMPLE: We use specific organic compounds as preservatives to prevent mold or inhibit bacterial growth in products. Such compounds have been proven to be safe and effective.